The human body need: Water
The Human body is made of between 55% and 78% of water, depending on the measures, and complexion. To avoid disorders, You need around seven liters of water per day; the exact quantity will vary in function of the level of activity, the temperature, humidity and other factors.
Most of this water is absorbed with food and drinks - not necessarily water -. It is not defined the exact amount of water that a healthy individual shall take, although a majority of experts consider that 6-7 glasses of water per day (2 liters approximately) is the minimum amount necessary to keep an adequate hydration.
Water has many functions and the body needs 30 ml of water every each kilo of weight that your body has.
For example: if you weight 90 kgs. you should drink 2,7 lts of water every day.
As you can reed, water is vital for our daily activity. If it is difficult for you to drink the amount of water the body needs, then follow these tips:
Start and finish the day with a glass of water, this way youll keep until the next advice.
Two glasses of water as the picture shows gives you 0,5 lts, which is equivalent to a 0,5 liter-bottle.
Fill in 0,5 liter-bottle and take it with you during the day, so you can get used to drinking water and if you fill it in tour times, youll have 2 liters of water in your body plus the two glasses, youll have 2,5 liters in a very easy and healthy way.
Remember that your body needs 30 ml for each kg of weight (your weight by 30 is equal to the quantity you need)
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